Anniversary ticker

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Sunday, January 1, 2012

I blinked, and a new year came

I really don't understand how time can just fly by without barely a breath taken. I sometimes wish I could pack my family up and move to a place in the middle of nowhere, nestled in some forest, away from every little thing that speeds time up so fast. No media, no television, no electronics, not even a clock. Tucked away, unbothered from the demands that we subject ourselves to every day. Can't we live a simple life, that is slow, and focused on the here and now, never pushing for the latest and greatest, the most up to date time waster? I wish I could capture how it feels to go camping, in the silence and the peacefulness of the mountains. Maybe someday, over-the-rainbow...

But for now, maybe it is time to try and do the best I can. Turn Barney off and go explore outside with my toddler. Give facebook a rest, and read some real books, stop making every excuse known to man of why I am not reading my scriptures, and saying personal prayers, and just do it. Go to the temple instead of that movie. Spend time teaching my son, and playing with him more, instead of making sure the house is perfect. All these things are so simple, and yet so difficult to remember. It's like we forget that there is any other way to function but to move and do and go and have and get. Time becomes more and more precious to me as I watch my little baby grow into a boy. It breaks my heart to know that I will never get that time back again, and he will be gone, out of my arms, before I have a chance to really, truly enjoy those kisses, those pleading eyes that want a book read to him, that just want to play and explore, to cuddle, to want to be with me. I know he will grow up, and not need me as much as he does now. So I've got to SLOW DOWN, and savor EVERY SECOND, because it will be gone, in a blink of an eye...

If there are any real resolutions I have for this year, anything meaningful, and worth giving it my best, it is for me to SAVOR, and slow down. My baby is 19 months, and I can't bare to miss a single thing.


Anonymous said...

I think every mother has these wishes. It amazes me that all my children are now in different stages of moving on with their own lives and not needing me as much anymore. Enjoy every new adventure with your little ones. I always loved the church commercial where the little girl comes into the kitchen and tells her mommy that she is running away after a particularly hard day. After looking at her daughter for a second, she puts down her dishcloth and asks if she can runaway with her. They do and have a great time at the park. That's the way to live your life. Laugh, smile, love, and enjoy....partake of all that is good in this life. love you so much,mom...:)

The Youngs said...

Love your blogs and thoughts. You got it right about time fleeting so fast. Although you may look at us and think, "Well, I have a long time before I'm there", - that's what I thought at your age, and it all seems to go by so fast. Enjoy each moment for what it is, and appreciate both good and bad.
Love ya, Dad