Scott and I took a drive today, with Carson and Syd in tow. We were looking for yard sales, but after a couple of unfortunate-looking ones, we ended up just driving in Alpine. We drove on some hidden roads that lead to breathtaking views of the gorgeous mountains we are surrounded by. Beautiful trees, hills full of wildflowers, birds singing and the sun cascading over the green was more than enough for me to absolve to never move. This place we live, this little crevice of heaven, our own Garden of Eden, is all I could ever need. So peaceful, so calm, so serene, so sacred. I am overwhelmed with emotion when I see just how blessed I really am in my life to have the privilege of living here, with my family, and all I'll ever need. I informed Scott that I have no intention to ever leave, and will rent for 10 years if I have to and save enough so we can buy a house here. It doesn't have to be a big house, or even semi-large. I am fine with a cottage; a place tucked away in these hills, that sing. I feel like Julie Andrews from The Sound of Music. And luckily, my husband feels the same way. After traveling all over Idaho, and seeing the Grand Tetons in Wyoming, and the majestic red rock of St. George, I have realized that although they are beautiful, and I enjoy visiting, I believe these mountains of mine are superior, and more beautiful than any I've seen. I will travel the world, and take in it's infinite beauties, but I will come home, and be content and blissfully happy with my piece of heaven, Alpine, Utah, my home.