We had quite the busy weekend! On the 22nd it was my brother Jorden and my brother in law Thomas's birthday. So we had 2 birthday parties planned for Sunday evening. Not only that, but my good friend Jenna's daughter Riley had a birthday on Sunday, and so we had 3 parties to hop around to. It was quite fun. Watching Riley open her gift was so cute. I just love her to pieces! Scott had a lot of fun with her tinker toys! Hanging out with our families was great too. We love them all! Also, I curled my hair for like the first time this year, and so I had to take pictures to document it. I have been told by many that it looked beautiful, so here are a couple of those. We gave Sydney a bath, and she looked so cute and silly I just had to take some pictures of her too. So I hope you enjoy these pics!
5 days ago